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Titer Information can be found here: Titer Information Spreadsheet

Post Count Analysis

MOI Titer mF (Cell Factor) Merge Sub Pools Custom Headers?
Header Description
rName The specific name of your sequence, should be text
Index The specific name of your sample, should be text
rSubPool The specific Pool if only a single pool exists set this to 1 should be an integer
Reads The Read Count, this can contain numbers with decimals

The File should be Tab delimited. Here is an example file:

rSubPool rName Index Reads
1_SARM1_1-BRO MSPH.1_SARM1_1-BRO 17 26
1_SARM1_2-BRO MSPH.1_SARM1_2-BRO 17 16
1_SARM1_3-BRO MSPH.1_SARM1_3-BRO 17 57
1_SARM1_4-BRO MSPH.1_SARM1_4-BRO 17 30
1_MFN2_1-BRO MSPH.1_MFN2_1-BRO 17 27.1
1_MFN2_2-BRO MSPH.1_MFN2_2-BRO 17 41
1_MFN2_3-BRO MSPH.1_MFN2_3-BRO 17 19.1